About Aloesol
Aloe Vera is one of the most interesting plants in the health area. For centuries it has been used internally and externally for its healing properties.
Commercially, aloe can be found in drinking juices, sprays, ointments, lotions, jellies and creams. Unfortunately, the aloe industry is not well regulated and some products advertising high or fresh aloe juice content are not in accordance with reality.
Aloe vera gel is the best option to benefit the healthy properties of aloe. It contains plenty of fibres, minerals, vitamins and polysaccharides (acemannans).
Nowadays, aloe vera is used in two different ways depending on the active principles present in the final product. In both cases, leaves are the part of the plant used as a source of aloe actives.
Dried latex from the inner lining of the leaf (the green colour part) has traditionally been used as an oral laxative. This latex contains important amounts of anthraquinones, mainly aloin and barbaloin, which are used as laxative agents to treat constipation.
On the other hand, inner translucent gel from the pulp does not contain aloin but a high amount of acemannans. These polysaccharides report great benefits for health, especially on skin and mucosa epitelisation. Transparent gel from the pulp of the meaty leaves has been used topically for thousands of years to treat wounds, skin infections, burns and numerous other dermatological conditions.
Promising preliminary studies using animal models and human tests support the fact that aloe gel has immunomodulatory properties that may improve wound healing and skin inflammation.
Aloesol: 100% Aloe Vera from Organic Crop
Aloesol represents our idea of maximum quality of aloe vera: high quality of raw material, gentle harvesting process, perfect traceability and innovative extractive technology.
Aloe crops meet all organic European current regulations.