Veracetics is continuously innovating in its production of new aloe vera products

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About Aloesol

Our partner Veracetics is a Spanish manufacturing company with more than 17 years of experience in the field of plant metabolites isolation as well as in the production of plant extracts.

It is the owner of several patents on plant extracts and produces, manufactures and supplies Aloesol products for Solchem Nature, S.L.

Veracetics is the first European company providing certificates of raw material authenticity and has patented the process of extraction of aloin-free Aloe Vera, ensuring a high content of Aloe vera polysaccharides (acemannan).

Its R+D+i department is continuously innovating in its production of new aloe vera products with new properties and applications.

Taking advantage of this experience, Solchem Nature, S.L. offers aloe products to its customers, which combine aloe with interesting nutraceuticals ingredients (aloe vera plus cranberry, aloe vera plus beta-carotene…). These final products represent an alternative to conventional aloe presentation, and open new strategies for the application of aloe products.


Please contact us for further information and prices.
